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10 Ways Parents Know Fall Has Arrived

At the end of August, I’m always so ready for school to start.

But now that we’re back in the swing of things for the fall, I remember why I love summer. Man, are we busy!

With back-to-school nights, baseball practice and games, physical therapy, doctor’s appointments, pick-ups and drop-offs, not to mention my own work schedule…it’s a lot to juggle some days.

Last night I got up to use the bathroom. I slowly turned over my phone to check the time and YES!—it was just 1:50. I had almost five more hours of sleep before my alarm was set to go off and knowing that was better than any Christmas present. I climbed back into my bed and fell asleep with a smile on my face.

Fall parenting is not for the faint of heart.

You know you’re a FALL PARENT when:

  1. At least once a week, you find yourself pulling up to a drive-thru to feed hungry, cranky kids on the way to another activity. Happy Meals for everyone…even Mommy!
  2. You look at your schedule and realize you have something every single night this week and start looking for reasons to back out of at least one.
  3. You have to wake your children up every morning for school, but the moment the sun rises on Saturday, they’re up!
  4. You’re constantly preparing for all four seasons of weather: jackets, pants, shorts, tank tops, sunscreen, hats and gloves. You know they’ll all be in the wardrobe rotation for baseball practice over the next 30 days.
  5. You’re still in a pretty good swing of packing lunches the night before. (By spring, forgeddaboudit.)
  6. You’ve filled out enough school forms that you worry you’re developing Carpal tunnel syndrome.
  7. You’ve bought two boxes of brand new #2 pencils, but somehow your kids can never find one that’s sharp AND has an eraser in order to do homework. It’s like a utility drawer unicorn.
  8. You’re always looking for some missing part of a uniform. Sock, belts, cleats, shorts, team shirts or hats. WHERE IS IT?!
  9. You find yourself requiring morning AND afternoon coffee. And strongly debating a post-dinner cup.
  10. Aaaaa-chooo! Someone is already getting sick. #backtoschoolgerms

Now don’t get me wrong, fall is still my favorite season. Somehow, even though I couldn’t be busier, the feel of cooler mornings and the promise of changing leaves have me planning a fun, fall apple picking adventure.

Happy fall, y’all!

What fall traditions or routines do you love or resist? Comment below, we’d love to hear from you.

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About Jessica Woolwine

About Jessica   Woolwine Jessica Woolwine is a native of Hampton Roads and lives in Hampton with her three “miracles” Jackson (9), Abby (5) and Henry (1). As a mother to a childhood cancer survivor and a micro-preemie, she began the blog Mothering Miracles in 2014 to support other families dealing with health issues. Jessica also works as Creative Director for Rubin Communications Group and enjoys mixing her talents for graphic design and creative writing with community relations. She is a past member of both the CHKD Family Advisory Council and the CHKD NICU Family Advisory Council.