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Becoming a 2-year-old

Annabel is constantly learning, growing and developing as a person.

I have watched her change from my little yoga baby to my little yoga helper.

The first time we attended a baby yoga class at CHKD she relied on me for just about everything. She looked at me and smiled while I moved her arms and legs through all of the poses and stretches. We even took a break to breastfeed because her ability to wait, even through a short class, was non-existent.

Now Annabel comes to the yoga studio where I teach. She waits until I am almost finished with my class, swaggers in like she owns the place and sits down on my lap to chant the final OM. As my students look up, she greets them and begins to collect the yoga blocks. She loves cleaning up, especially “helping” sweep the floor, and my students enjoy watching her grow each session.

This is not the only time in recent weeks that I have found myself thinking she is not a baby anymore. Every year, Robert’s company hosts a picnic at a local farm with a petting zoo. The first year we brought Annabel, we pushed her around to all the pens and managed to take a photo of her with a goat. She was not impressed. Last year, she started off a little hesitant, called all the animals “doggies.” With encouragement, she even pet a few. This year, as soon as we got near the petting zoo, her enthusiasm bubbled over. She threw her arms wide and yelled, “I can't wait!” She held a chicken, pet and fed goats and even sat still long enough for a parakeet to land on her head and eat out of her hand. Then she confidently started to oink and wandered off to check out the pigs. She was so gentle with the animals – it amazed me. We’ve been working on that lesson with our dogs awhile.

But when she is done, it’s time to move on. She had her fill of the petting zoo and yelled, “Come on, Mom, let’s slide.” She took off running, and I could barely keep up. She took on the playground like she takes on yoga class, the petting zoo and life in general – without fear and with an enthusiasm that is contagious.

I cannot wait to see what she discovers next, and as a parent it is encouraging to see her grow in confidence and enjoy being helpful and kind.

I would love to hear how your little ones are growing and changing. Feel free to comment and let us know what is happening at this stage in the parenting game with you.

Happy Parenting,


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About Kate Hayes

About Kate  Hayes Kate Hayes lives in Virginia Beach, VA and is a first time parent to Annabel – born on July 22, 2015. Kate is a yoga and aerial fitness instructor. She especially enjoys teaching on the beach, and is certified in laughing yoga, and prenatal yoga. Kate and her husband, Robert, enjoy spending time with their daughter and their two dogs.