CHKD's eight-bed neuroscience inpatient unit, located on the seventh floor, features four video EEG rooms with state-of-the-art equipment and provides care to neurology, neurosurgery and epilepsy monitoring patients.

Our Staff

You will encounter people from many professional disciplines in this unit as we work with you to care for your child. They include physicians (pediatric neurologists, neurosurgeons, resident physicians and others) registered nurses, nurse practitioners, nursing care partners, social workers, case managers, schoolteachers, dieticians and child life specialists and assistants.

Respiratory and physical, occupational, or speech therapists may all be part of your child's team. Trained volunteers also work on our unit.

Shift Changes

Registered nurses work 12-hour shifts at CHKD. Shift changes occur between 6 and 7 a.m. and 6 and 7 p.m. During these crucial periods, nurses who are finishing their shifts explain the needs of each patient with the nurses who are starting their shifts. 

The nursing staff will respond to all urgent matters immediately, even during shift changes, but it helps us if you can limit routine questions and phone calls during these hours. In addition, it is possible that we will ask for your help maintaining patient privacy during shift change.

Caring for Your Child

Before giving your child any food, please check with your nurse. Your doctor may have ordered special dietary instructions.

If you change your child’s diaper, please place the soiled diaper on the scale at the sink in your room and notify your nurse.

Leaving your Child’s Room

When leaving your child’s room, be sure to pull up the bed rails and let your nurse know that you are leaving.

The staff will check on your child frequently.  

Visitation and Spending the Night

Parents are welcome to visit at any time. Visiting hours for all others are 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.

Visitors are limited to three people at each bed space at a time. Siblings may visit during visiting hours. Young siblings must be supervised.

If the patient is on video EEG, we need one parent or caregiver to spend the night.  For all other patients, we encourage one parent to spend the night. You may use the bathroom and shower facilities in your child’s room, and we can provide you with linens and towels.

Due to infection control policies, only staff members can access linen closets. You are welcome to bring your own toiletries and pillow. We highly recommend that parents sleep in comfortable clothes such as sweatpants to maintain privacy.

No visitors under the age of 18 are permitted to spend the night.

Calling the Unit

When you are away from your child’s room, you are welcome to call the nursing station to ask how your child is doing. We may ask you to identify yourself by giving a code word  to make sure that we are giving information to the proper person.

There are no incoming calls to patient rooms after 9 p.m.

Quiet Time

Adequate rest and bedtime routines promote overall well-being. We observe “quiet time” for the children from 1 p.m. to  4 p.m. and after 10 p.m.

Hand Washing

Please help us prevent the spread of infections by washing your hands at the following times:

  • Upon entering your child's room for the first time each day;
  • After using the bathroom;
  • After changing diapers;
  • Before eating or feeding your child.

Please use hospital-approved hand sanitizer upon leaving and re-entering the room.

Patient and Family Education

Education is a big focus on our unit. Teaching will begin as soon as you get settled and continue throughout your child's stay.

We begin by introducing you and your child to the environment and assessing the educational needs that are important to your child’s care.

We ask parents to attend all educational sessions and highly encourage other caregivers to participate as well.

White boards are located in your child's bed space. Please use this board to write down questions or communicate your needs.

Please note: There may be times when we need to move your child to another bed space on the unit. If this happens when you are away, we will make an effort to contact you.

Helping Children Cope

Being sick or hospitalized is difficult for children. Our child life staff is here to help patients cope with their illness or injury and limit stress during hospitalization through play, education and support.

Ask your nurse to contact child life for access to any of the following services:

  • Playroom hours and programs
  • Medical play
  • Preparation
  • Coping
  • Helping with pain
  • Sibling visits
  • Palliative care
  • The David Wright Movie Line

Please note: There may be some restrictions to the activities available to your child if he or she in on video EEG or seizure precautions.