
Your specialist may order a variety of studies to evaluate your child’s spine. These tests may include X-rays, MRI or CT scans. Once your child’s tests are complete your specialist will review the plan of care for your child.


All patients do not initially require any treatment. They will need to be monitored by their physician. It is extremely important to see their specialist as directed.


Risser casting has been shown to correct curvature in some cases involving young children who have a small curve. Casting could possibly slow the progression of the curvature. This cast is designed to work only on two dimensions of the curve, enlongation and derotation. Casting is done under general anesthesia in the operating room and is an outpatient procedure.

Mehta casting is a serial casting technique that has been shown to slow progression of some curves. This casting technique is three dimensions of the curve which is extension, derotation and flexion. Casting is done under general anesthesia in the operating room and is an outpatient procedure.

Bracing may be prescribed for a child based on size and flexibility of the curve.

Your specialist will decide which form of treatment is most appropriate for your child.