Some of our units have special considerations during nursing shift changes. Your child’s nurses will let you know if this applies to you. Regular hours for other visitors are 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.

For more information, please contact the Children's Health Line between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. Monday to Friday at (757) 668-7500 or (800) 395-2453. Or you can e-mail us anytime at, and we'll respond to your inquiry no later than the next business day 

Visitor Stickers

For your safety and security, all visitors must wear a visitor's sticker above the second floor, including parents and guardians. Stickers are issued at the main lobby desk. 

General Care Units 

On the general care units (7C, 8B, 8C, TCU), parents or legal guardians are welcome to visit anytime, and one parent may spend the night in the child's room. All others may visit during regular visiting hours. Visitors may be asked to leave for brief periods to allow for special procedures, shift changes, privacy for other families, emergencies or physician visits. Three visitors per patient (including parents) may visit at a time. Any more than three should wait in the lobby to alternate with those at the bedside. 

Intensive Care Units 

On the intensive care units (PICU, NICU), parents and guardians may visit around the clock except during nursing shift changes. Only two visitors (including parents) may visit at the bedside at a time. Up to six passes (two for parents and four for others) are issued per patient, allowing access to the unit waiting areas. Additional visitors must wait in the lobby to alternate with those already on the unit. During patient care rounds or emergencies, visitation in these units may be restricted. 

Surgery Center 

Two adult visitors are permitted to accompany a patient to the Day Surgery waiting areas and the Post Anesthesia Care Unit. Additional adult passes are available for the general surgery waiting room. Parents should not bring siblings who are younger than 12 to the hospital on surgery day. 

Sibling Visits 

In general, siblings are welcome to visit during regular visiting hours when accompanied by an adult, but they must be 18 or older to stay overnight. We will ask parents to verify that visiting children show no signs of illness and haven’t been exposed to a communicable disease in the previous 30 days.

The NICU, PICU and isolation areas have special visiting requirements. Permission for siblings under age 12 to visit patients in these areas will be determined by the healthcare team based on need and appropriateness. Please check with your nurse or visit the unit’s web page to learn more.

Child Life specialists are available to help prepare children under age 12 to visit a patient.  

Spending the Night 

One parent or designated adult visitor may spend the night in a patient’s room on 7B, 7C, 8B, 8C and the Transitional Care Unit (TCU). Linens and towels are provided.

If your child is receiving care in one of the intensive care units, parents may rest in rooms near the units. When children are this seriously ill, we believe parents need to go home to rest, but you are welcome to visit around the clock.

Since your child's caregivers may be in and out of the room frequently during the night, we encourage you to take an occasional break, even leave the hospital, to get some undisturbed rest. A good time for such a break is your child's nap time.