Support Us
CHKD relies on the generous support of our community to ensure the hospital is available for every child who needs our services. Each gift to The Virginia Children's Hospital, Virginia's only free-standing children's hospital, helps keep the children of our region healthy, provides families with valuable resources, and ultimately strengthens our community.
The Value of Our Community Benefit
Year after year, the CHKD community comes through with the critical financial support required to embrace our mission, helping us improve access to specialized pediatric care, enhancing public health, advancing knowledge and relieving government burden that serves as a medical safety net to thousands of local families who struggle to make ends meet.
Read our community benefits report to learn how CHKD impacts Hampton Roads and the surrounding communities.
Tribute and Legacy Giving
A tribute gift is an exceptional way to remember or honor someone special. A legacy gift or planned gift can create a lasting memorial and may even provide some income to you.
Corporate Giving
There are many ways in which a company can partner with CHKD to support our programs and services. Corporate giving, corporate foundation support and employee giving are just a few examples of how you can make a difference in the lives of our patients.
Be a Volunteer
The volunteer opportunities at CHKD are endless. We offer a variety of volunteer experiences based on your personal interests and skills.