Charity Gift Annuity: A Tribute to a True Philanthropist

Thousands of our community's most vulnerable children have safer, happier lives because of a remarkable woman they will never meet or be able to thank. Katheryn Mote was a passionate crusader for CHKD's child abuse center. She devoted her time, financial support, leadership skills and heartfelt advocacy to the cause for many years. When she passes away, CHKD lost a true friend and our community a true philanthropist.

Katheryn's involvement with CHKD started later in her life. As a young woman, she studied interior design in New York City before returning to the area to marry her high-school sweetheart, J. Harry Mote. For the next 50 years she worked by his side, using her design skills to enhance his endeavors as a prominent developer in Virginia Beach. The couple raised two children, Kent and Kathy. After her "beloved Harry" died in 2006, Katheryn turned her amazing energy and attention to the most pressing needs of her community, embracing the work of CHKD's child abuse program.

Katheryn's enthusiasm was infectious, and her generous example was inspiring to many others. As Katheryn's personal commitment to abuse and neglected children grew, she was asked to join -- and eventually chair -- CHKD's Child Abuse Development Board. As an official ambassador for the program, Katheryn never missed an opportunity to raise awareness of child abuse or to advance CHKD's mission to help the children and families affected by it.

Katheryn often expressed great joy and satisfaction about her work for CHKD. "I've learned that there is hope for child abuse survivors. These children can recover," she said when she accepted the board's leadership role. "I want to carry that message to our community and make sure everyone knows how CHKD helps these children. We need to make sure this level of care is always available for those who need it most."

"Katheryn will be dearly missed," says Dr. Suzanne Starling, medical director of the program. "And we are incredibly grateful for all she did."

Katheryn was a champion for children and a benevolent steward of CHKD. The many gifts she shared through planned and annual giving will continue to offer hope and healing to innocent victims of abuse and neglect for years to come. The child abuse program had been forever changed by her legacy.