Health Library A to Z
Choosing Your Child's Healthcare Provider
A pediatrician, family practice healthcare provider, physician's assistant, family nurse practitioner, or pediatric nurse practitioner can be your baby's primary care provider. The medical specialty dealing with children is called pediatrics.
Keep Kids Safe During Yard Work
Power tools make yard work easier, from mowing the lawn to trimming the bushes. But these tools also pose a threat to children if precautions aren't taken. Read on for important safety steps.
Newborn Senses
Babies are born with all five senses--sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch. Some of the senses are not fully developed.
Newborn Sleep Patterns
New parents are often unsure how long and how often a newborn should sleep. Read on to learn about general newborn sleep patterns, the quiet alert phases, and how to help your baby fall asleep.
Your Baby and Breastfeeding
Think there's only one way to breastfeed? You can position your baby in several ways during feeding time that can be comfortable for both of you.
Your Child’s Separation Anxiety and School
The prospect of new experiences away from parents or other loved ones can be quite frightening, especially for younger children. These worries are a normal part of development for all children.
Youth Suicide
Suicide is when a teen causes his or her own death on purpose. Before trying to take his or her own life, a teen may have thoughts of wanting to die. Read on to learn how to recognize the warning signs, and how to get your teen help.