Planned Giving Options

Planned giving at CHKD provides you the opportunity to combine your philanthropic desires with your financial needs. In addition to making a difference for our children, these methods of giving may provide significant income and tax-saving benefits.

CHKD's Federal Tax ID Number: 54-0506321

Bequests are easy and simple to create, even if you already have a will. At your request, your attorney can include the necessary language in your will, add a codicil to your will, or help you establish a revocable living trust. 

Charitable Remainder Trusts allow you to place assets into a trust which will then pay you income for up to 20 years, or until the death of the last beneficiary. When the term of the trust ends, the remaining balance is considered a gift to Children’s Hospital of The King’s Daughters. Use our Legacy Planning Gift Calculator to see how this will work for you. Many tax benefits and life income options are available for donors who establish a charitable trust. 

Charitable Gift Annuities are gifts for the future that bring you benefits today. A simple agreement between you and Children’s Hospital of The King’s Daughters provides a fixed, life-long income in exchange for a gift to the hospital. The annual income you receive is based on your age and will never change. The older you are, the higher the income payment. At the time of your death, the remainder of your annuity will help ensure healthy futures for children cared for at CHKD. Use our Legacy Planning Gift Calculator to see how this will work for you. Charitable gift annuities can be funded with cash, appreciated stocks, mutual funds or bonds. An income tax charitable deduction may be taken upon establishing a charitable gift annuity. 

Retained Life Estate is a way to make a significant gift to CHKD without compromising your lifestyle. When you give a remainder interest in your home to the hospital, you retain the right to live in the house. You receive an income tax deduction for the present value of the remainder interest in the home, as well as a reduction in estate taxes. Use our Legacy Planning Gift Calculator to see how this will work for you. This opportunity allows you to make a gift that will impact CHKD’s future work while providing you immediate financial benefits without a change in your lifestyle. 

Individual Retirement Accounts are often taxed significantly when distributed at the end of your lifetime. An easy way to donate to CHKD, with tax advantages to your estate, is to name CHKD as a beneficiary of a portion or all of a qualified retirement plan. A charitable gift of an IRA or qualified retirement plan at the end of your lifetime lets you reduce or eliminate estate and income taxes while supporting CHKD and its mission.

Life Insurance policies can be used to fund a gift to CHKD. Whether you donate an existing policy or take out a new policy with CHKD as the owner and beneficiary, you can make a meaningful gift to CHKD and receive tax benefits. 

Endowment Funds create lasting financial resources for CHKD. Endowments may be directed to specific programs such as cancer, child abuse, nursing scholarships, or any CHKD program of your choosing, or can be established to support overall patient care.

Other Planned Giving options are available. Making CHKD the beneficiary of a financial account (such as a checking account or a brokerage account) or donating a gift of real estate or personal property can be easy ways for you to help CHKD fulfill our mission in the future. 


For more information, call Susan Carriker, CHKD's director of planned giving, at (757) 668-7070 or email the development office at

This information is taken from sources believed to be reliable, but is not guaranteed as to completeness or accuracy. You are urged to seek the advice of your financial planner, attorney and/or tax advisor to make certain a contemplated gift fits well into your overall circumstances and planning.